Communicating Events

  1. Use the Events Planning Guidelines Checklist and work with the Events coordinator in planning and scheduling your event.
  2. Determine who you want to attend the event, e.g., Church members, general community, other.
  3. Use announcement template to create your announcement.
  4. Select from Internal and/or external communications tools:
Internal Tools Contact Person
The Keys
Church Secretary
Church bulletin (an insert or paragraph of text)
Church Secretary
Church email roster
Church Secretary
Signage inside church (The Wall in Fellowship Hall and/or an easel)
Your committee
Phone tree
Church Secretary
Your committee
Mailed announcement and/or invitation
Your committee (ask church secretary for labels)
Announcement at the end of church service
Your committee
Communications Chair
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Communications Chair
External Tools Contact Person
External signage
Your committee
Media - press release
Communications Chair
Newspaper ad

Get in touch

Sunday Worship

11:15 AM  – Both In-person and ONLINE

17222 N.E. 8th St |  Bellevue, WA | 98008

OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Friday from 9 AM – 12 PM