Rev. Richard Fuss
Rev. Richard Fuss joined our church in the summer of 2023 after serving congregations in Georgia, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Rich has a Master of Divinity from Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, GA and a degree in Anthropology. A former collegiate soccer player, Rich likes to coach youth soccer and will happily accept any invitation to watch a game at any time. He has a fondness for coffee mugs, minor league baseball hats, and always roots for the underdog. He was a zookeeper before becoming a pastor and loves all things furred, feathered, and scaled. Rich has devoted his career to helping churches and individuals discover a sense of joy and passion and stubbornly believes that our best days are ahead of us.

Karen Ouimet
Church Admin Assistant
Karen came to St. Peter’s in 2021.

Kathleen Keeney
PIANIST, Bells Director
We will tell you about Kathleen soon!

Teresa Avalos
Janitorial Team

Oscar Avalos
Janitorial Team

Craig Miller
Get in touch
Sunday Worship
11:15 AM – Both In-person and ONLINE
17222 N.E. 8th St | Bellevue, WA | 98008
OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Friday from 9 AM – 12 PM